Full Body Massage
Massage from poll to glutes! Please inform Cori about problem areas and they can be addressed. Massage takes about 60-70 minutes. Owner can be present or can schedule without. Written report will be given to owner. Scheduling required.
Kinesiology Taping
Starting at $35
Kinesiology taping helps separate the skin from the fascia below and increase lymphatic flow. This helps the body heal itself! Generally tape should be left on for at least 24 hours and can be taken off at 72 hours. KT tape can be worn under saddle, blanket, etc. Cori will teach you to remove tape. Price can be variable depending on other needs.
Starting at $35
Cupping is used to pull up muscle tissue into a cup and bring in a fresh supply of healing blood flow. Cupping can be done on the back, girth, and stifle. Generally you can see the muscle respond during the session! Each session is around 15 minutes a side. Please give your horse at least 48 hours before riding if the cupping is done on the back.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial (meaning fascia of the muscles) release is a technique that uses gentle and sustained pressure to help release pain and tension. During MFR horses often give big releases, heavy sighs, and lots of licking and chewing relaxation.
Additional Services
Educational Clinics
Contact for Pricing
If you have a ranch, rescue, barn, learning center, or performance ring, we can hold a clinic! There are a number of educational topics like k-taping, safety, and introduction to horses. There is also availability to partner with me and create a training specific to your needs! Contact for more information.
Sheath Cleaning
Sheath/udder cleaning
New Client Intake Form
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